Careers Institutions


Education institutions offer a wide variety of opportunities. Of course, during a downturn the primary opportunity is to continue education for either a MS, PhD or Post-Doc. Teaching opportunities are available with smaller colleges, junior colleges and tech schools. Virtual reality will provide new opportunities to teach. The professor who has created the best and most effective virtual world will have an advantage. There are a number of USGS, UT, BGS, and other free resources that provide immersive (or close to it).

University/College Student/Researcher/Technician

During downturns in the petroleum industry it is often a good time to build your education and training preparing for future upturns or other disciplines.

Educational Requirements:

  • BS/BA Geoscience


  • Decent grades
  • Networking with students and faculty
  • Identified area of study
  • Financial support

Educational Opportunity:

  • MS, Doc, Post-Doc: Although this opportunity is primarily for students or new graduates there are paid positions and grants available at universities.
  • Teaching assistant
  • Visiting professor


  • Graduate assistant support or teaching fees

Potential Clients:

  • Universities
  • Colleges

Opportunity Ratio:

  • Mature=5/2.5=Fair to High Density


  • Multiple Universities and Colleges
Researcher University Incubators / Accelerators

If you are working on a new technology or chemical, or analytical method, you may enter into the commercialization phase from the cocoon of a university accelerator or a not-for-profit accelerator (Houston and Austin have several). These incubators can provide a place to work with partners and obtain their data to test out the product in situations where they have an urgent need. Being in the incubator allows you to have access to conference rooms and brainstorming places (which were useful pre-January 2020)

Educational Requirements:

  • BS/BA-MS geoscience or related degree
  • PhD preferred


  • Expertise in a particular field of science
  • Experience in research programs and methods
  • A good idea with a built-in market (an urgent need, a lack of local supplies, etc.)
  • Expertise with affiliated or co-produced products (helium for example) –
  • Access to capital providers

Professional Opportunities:

  • Geoscience innovator
  • Inventor


  • Pay is negotiated as part of the proposal

Potential Clients:

  • Energy companies
  • Multinational companies
  • Private equity

Opportunity Ratio:

  • Constantly emerging=2.5/1.5= Low Job Density


  • Pending